Red - I Should Tell Ya Momma on You
Better late than never? Can you forgive me? #25 Sharam [ft. KiD CuDi ] - "She Came Along" [ Ultra ] DOWNLOAD! / WATCH THE VIDEO! #24 Young Money - "Every Girl" [ Young Money /Cash Money ]… (in post...
View Articlered - pencil
leider bin ich aufgrund von zeitproblemen etwas hinten nach mit dem bericht zum frameworks festival in münchen. doch übergehen möchte ich vor allem eines nicht: am vergangenen sonntag endete eine...
View ArticleR.E.D. - Stand,sit,move-Beatmaker Remix
Hace un par de días os presentamos los 2 EPs que 4Disco Records había sacado a la venta durante el més de noviembre porque ayer, antes de que haya siquiera [....] (in post R.E.D. – Stand, Sit, Move...
View ArticleRED - Tamb Beat
I am bored waiting for my chicken to cook, so I made a playlist for Earth Hour, which is in an hour. Here’s a series of tracks which may or may not describe exactly what I’ll be doing… (in post Turn...
View ArticleRed - Winged - Blackbird Song
Michelle Fournet writes regularly about bioacoustics at her blog, where she has, among other things, recounted a trip to Antarctica on a Korean ice breaker to recover an ocean-bottom...
View ArticleRED - Yours Again (Radio Edit)
Ben joined TWL a few good months ago and brought a dymamic angle to our New Borns. With his introspective selection of Prime Cuts this week, reminds us why we love our group of writers as each one… (in...
View ArticleRED - Datfu
La Mooglie’s is the name of parties organized by Le Gorille, Paris-Sorbonne Communication School (CELSA) students’ association made of music-lovers. Each of these parties participates in showcasing the...
View ArticleRed - Nova - Bleaching
Red Nova is an alt-rock trio from Sweden. Each of their releases has offered something slightly different, from driving rock to intricately textured weaves of sound, yet each has a had a commonality of...
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